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The first open access comic book publisher
Coming up soon!
Dear Author,
Please read this very carefully, it may change your life!
Who are we?
We are an emerging company specialised in Open Access publishing of comic books and are building up our date base. For this purpose we are offering you the possibility to publish your comic book for FREE.
What's the idea?
It’s all about Open Access - a way to publish (comic) books and make it available online to anyone around the world, at absolutely no cost to the reader.
What's in it for you?
Our team of experts will ensure professional editing, reviewing and high quality printing of your comic book (you will receive the first printed edition at your home address).
Your comic book gets the visibility it deserves and will be available online on our website.
If someone chose to buy a hard copy example of your comic book, we will pay a generous royalty fee to you.
Open Access offers authors enhanced visibility and the potential for greater usage and higher impact of their work.
You will make a name in the comic world.
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